Well, at least this is one thief that is too cute for jail!
A two-year-old has gone viral all for ‘stealing’ his dad’s phone at a family wedding and it’s all due to his sweet, sweet dance moves.
McClean Pittman was at his uncle’s wedding reception with his mom, Jesse, and dad, Jim. The family had found themselves on the dance floor, enjoying the music, McClean ran toward his dad and snatched the cell phone.
What followed was a hysterical dance solo with McClean accidentally filming himself as he bopped along to ‘Turn Down for What”, by DJ Snake and Lil Jon. By pure chance, the camera was on selfie mode giving TikTok, and his family, a close-up view of the tiny dance machine.

McClean Pittman rushes to grab his dad’s cell phone. Photo from TikTok
Jim laughed afterward, saying that his son just “couldn’t be stopped.” He had crouched down to take a video of McClean, when the fast toddler turned the tables on his dad. “Everyone was having a blast watching him and he was the first on the dance floor,” Jim said. “Within seconds of me starting to record him, he noticed me, ran over, snatched the phone from me, did his thing, and then handed the phone back to me when he was done.”
His proud aunt posted the video on TikTok, with “My 2-year-old nephew stole the phone and ‘turned down for what, ‘” on the video clip and then added the caption, “Vibez.” More than 38 million people have viewed the tiny dancer so far, and their comments haven’t disappointed the family.
He’s not at a party, he IS the party,” one person wrote, while another joked, “Apple juice shots and we’d stay out until 9pm!!”
His dad said the best part of the entire thing is that everyone gets to see the big personality and joy his son has. “He is the funniest little guy, and I’m not just saying that because he’s my son. Everywhere he goes, he talks, smiles, and makes people around him smile. He’s pretty infectious in that way,” Jim said. “The video was hilarious, but I can’t say we were surprised — it’s who he is.”

McClean dancing the night away with his ‘stolen’ phone. Photo from TikTok
Jim and Jesse said that up until the video, neither of them had been on social media much. “It was pure gold that could only come from a genuine moment from our little guy,” Jim said. “Neither my wife or I had TikTok until just a few days ago, so to see how many people have reacted to it, shared it and watched has been pretty cool. The world got a taste of the joy he brings to us, and we are happy that it made so many others smile.”
@corypea Vibez. #baby #funny #wedding #dance #toddler #hilarious #turndownforwhat #liljon #party #stolenphone ♬ Turn Down for What – DJ Snake & Lil Jon