When Venezuelan local politician Dario Ramirez fled his country three years ago due to political persecution, he never anticipated finding himself on such an unexpected journey. Yet, on Sunday, Ramirez stood before Pope Francis with his girlfriend, Maryangel Espinal, proposing marriage in a moment that captured the attention of many.
Ramirez, part of a delegation of 80 politicians meeting the Pope, shared his experiences with the Holy Father, discussing Venezuela’s plight under President Maduro’s regime. The Pope assured him of his prayers and support for the country’s political prisoners.

Dario Ramirez, stood before Pope Francis with his girlfriend, Maryangel Espinal, and proposed to her. Photo courtesy of Ramirez
“When we were introduced to the Holy Father, I explained the situation in Venezuela and the situation facing political prisoners,” Ramirez said.
The Holy Father said he was praying a lot about it and doing all that he could to help.”
During the encounter, Ramirez also shared his work with a youth theater group in Panama, where he had been residing. Ramirez has been helping teenagers put on plays, such as “Passion of the Christ.” He said he showed him photographs of some of their performances.
“I told him that we’re looking forward to him visiting Panama …. he was very happy,” Ramirez said. “I then asked for a special blessing.”

Dario Ramirez, stood before Pope Francis with his girlfriend, Maryangel Espinal, and proposed to her. Photo courtesy of Ramirez
Ramirez said his girlfriend “had no idea” what was about to happen. “She thought we were just going to talk about Venezuela and the theater group. But I then said to the Pope: ‘There’s a third thing I want to ask you.’”
“I could see that Maryangel was thinking: ‘What’s he going to do? Is he going to ask for a selfie?’ She was shocked. I explained to the Holy Father that the woman next to me is the woman of my life. I met her in church, that God put her in my life, and I want to propose to her.”
Ramirez said his girlfriend “had no idea” what was about to happen. “She thought we were just going to talk about Venezuela and the theater group. But I then said to the Pope: ‘There’s a third thing I want to ask you.’” And then, with nerves and excitement, Ramirez knelt before the Pope and his girlfriend, declaring his love and asking for her hand in marriage.
Pope Francis said: “Wow, in front of the Pope!,” Ramirez recalled, and added: “She’s not speaking — he asked you to marry him, what do you say?” Pope Francis, taken aback by the unexpected moment, blessed the couple as Maryangel joyfully accepted the proposal.
The other delegates, in Rome for an annual conference held by the International Catholic Legislators Network — a group that aims to encourage and strengthen Catholic politicians from around the world in faith and fellowship — erupted in cheers and applause. “Everyone was excited,” Ramirez said.
The African delegates made the loudest noise, singing and cheering.”
Some of the parliamentarians present said they wanted to go to the wedding, and other delegates wished them well. “They were very happy for us,” said Ramirez, as was Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, ICLN’s patron, who gave Ramirez permission to propose in front of the Pope.
“I said this is for the history of the ICLN,” Ramirez told the cardinal, who replied: “This is for the history of the Church!” “The Pope was very surprised; the people from protocol were a little mad, but in the end we all laughed a lot,” Ramirez said. For a look at this amazing proposal, watch below!
Sources: National Catholic Register | HuffPost