Tag: Inspirational
When Dobby Senses Her Owners Are Sick, She Sprints Into The Room Carrying A Special Item

It takes a big heart to repay the kindness you once were given. And in this case, that big heart resided in the tiniest of…

Gigantic Whale Starts Pushing Terrified Scuba Diver - She Doesn't Realize He's Saving Her Life

No matter how much a diver plans for it, the sea is never truly your friend. At any moment, danger can be lurking from beneath…

Lonely Pooch Abandoned Near Filthy Dumpster – Rescuer Notices Why Pup Can’t Raise Her Head

In a Florida dumping ground, a young Rottweiler named Susanna faced a dire situation, abandoned and paralyzed near a dumpster. Isabel Zapata, a local animal…

Stranger Sees Woman Crying In The Hospital - Then Slips Her Young Boy A Note That Changes His Life

Joshua 1:9 reads: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God…

Man Suffers Freak Accident At Home - When Wife Sees His Chest, She Can't Believe Her Eyes

*WARNING: Toward the end of the article, the uncensored picture of the injury is viewable. Discretion is advised. Well, I guess you could say this…

Dad Surprises Ex-Wife With Special Gift ... When She Opens It, Her Life Changes In A Flash

In a world often fraught with heartbreak and disappointment, and where second chances don’t always come along, the story of Jeff and Lorrie Agan offers…

Four Tiny Puppies Covered In A Strange Substance - Rescuers Feel Their Fur And Stifle A Sob

We don’t always think of animals being victims of domestic violence, but that is just what happened recently to four innocent puppies that were rushed…

Cop Shows Up To Arrest Her For Shoplifting - When He Walks In The Door, His Heart Breaks

Sometimes, there comes a moment where you might be forced to do something you would never consider. A split second where the choice is to…

Unlikely Heroes Race Toward Crazy Wreck - They've Got Just Seconds To Act

Witnessing a car accident is something no one wants to see. So recently, after a wreck in Daytona Beach, Fla., drivers in other cars sat…

89-Year-Old Man Swears He's 'Dying Of Boredom' - So He Places This Peculiar Ad In Paper

How happy we are in our lives is often based on the company we keep, and the work we do. For one World War II…